Some folks cry. Others faint. Some pledge their allegiance. Some are blown away. Some give him a messianic treatment. Crowds have applauded when he has stopped to blow his nose. At the University of Texas, crowds sang Obama-leluja. Some have compared him to Jesus Christ himself. Some folks, like Chris Matthews, get a thrill running through his legs. It seems many believe the rise of Barack Obama is a god-ordained moment in time.
So many are ready to pledge their undying allegiance without question to this mere politician who is above reproach.
The cult like following pledged to this mere man just creeps me out. I like to call these folks Obamamunists.
Obama has promised to be a new kind of politician. One who will rise above partisanship and bring a new era of hope and change. He has promised to be a reformer and a new kind of leader. Make no mistake about it, he is a charismatic and powerful rhetorician.
But what has Obama done to prove he is worthy of such unwavering allegiance and trust? Make no mistake about it, President Bush has been one of the worst presidents in American history. But how can people be so ready to usher in someone based on his mere words without examining his agenda and his policies? What has Barack Obama the politician done to make some folks believe so strongly in him? What has he done that makes some believe he will bring true and meaningful reform? What in his voting record makes one believe so strongly in him? What bills has he authored and championed in the Senate that solidify his qualification? Why is the man so far above reproach?
Barack Obama remains a phenomenon. So many people speak and act as though the election of this mere man will be the most significant act the country, if not the world, has ever expierenced. And they blindly accept that to be a good thing.
However, inspiration is one thing, but this cult-like following is quite another.
And while there should be enthusiasm in politics, the messianic fervor pledged to this politician has been sickening. What will happen when Obama needs to make tough decisions? What will happen when Barack Obama needs to make a stand? What will happen when the rhetoric of the “Hope” and “Change” fade away and the euphoric chants of “yes we can” are not enough to get the job done?
So many are ready to pledge their undying allegiance without question to this mere politician who is above reproach.
The cult like following pledged to this mere man just creeps me out. I like to call these folks Obamamunists.
Obama has promised to be a new kind of politician. One who will rise above partisanship and bring a new era of hope and change. He has promised to be a reformer and a new kind of leader. Make no mistake about it, he is a charismatic and powerful rhetorician.
But what has Obama done to prove he is worthy of such unwavering allegiance and trust? Make no mistake about it, President Bush has been one of the worst presidents in American history. But how can people be so ready to usher in someone based on his mere words without examining his agenda and his policies? What has Barack Obama the politician done to make some folks believe so strongly in him? What has he done that makes some believe he will bring true and meaningful reform? What in his voting record makes one believe so strongly in him? What bills has he authored and championed in the Senate that solidify his qualification? Why is the man so far above reproach?
Barack Obama remains a phenomenon. So many people speak and act as though the election of this mere man will be the most significant act the country, if not the world, has ever expierenced. And they blindly accept that to be a good thing.
However, inspiration is one thing, but this cult-like following is quite another.
And while there should be enthusiasm in politics, the messianic fervor pledged to this politician has been sickening. What will happen when Obama needs to make tough decisions? What will happen when Barack Obama needs to make a stand? What will happen when the rhetoric of the “Hope” and “Change” fade away and the euphoric chants of “yes we can” are not enough to get the job done?
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